Πρόγραμμα “Δύναμη Χαράς”

At D. Thanopoulos S.A., the human-centric approach, besides serving the customer, also concerns the way we perceive Corporate Social Responsibility. Every action we undertake independently or in collaboration with other businesses and organizations aims at improving people's lives and fostering a sustainable outlook for the environment.
“Dynami Charas” program.
In 2024, we demonstrated practically that a significant priority of our social action involves children and adolescents. Therefore, in collaboration with the 100% Greek company MEGA, we designed and undertook a significant initiative, titled “Dynami Charas”. Our goal is to responsibly and sensitively implement a comprehensive program covering psychological support services, occupational therapy, and speech therapy for the girls of the "Stegi Agias Annas" Foundation on an annual basis. Specifically, within the framework of the “Dynami Charas” program, we cover the cost of learning support for girls with learning (and other) difficulties through the prognosis and restoration of speech, language, communication, learning, organization, and execution disorders, handwriting, reading, play, and social skills. Simultaneously, through the program, we cover the annual cost of psychological support for the Foundation's girls (aged 4-18), aiming to contribute as much as possible to their smooth psychosomatic development. The program is exclusively hosted at Thanopoulos supermarkets, and the first phase has already been completed (7/12/2023 - 10/01/2024). The transitional accommodation structure "Christian Shelter for Girls Agia Anna" was founded in 1972. It is a non-profit child protection foundation and a secondary social care service provider. To date, it has provided accommodation to more than 500 girls.
More information can be found here: https://idryma-agianna.gr/egkatastaseis-mas/